There is a private nursing room located in the infant nursery for the convenience of breastfeeding mothers.
Bottle Feeding:
Our ministry caregivers are more than happy to feed your child while in their care. If you would like a caregiver to provide your child a bottle, please be sure to write these instructions on the Attendance Log when you sign your child into the nursery to prevent any misunderstandings.
Solid Foods and Snacks:
It is not our practice to feed solid foods (i.e. baby food, rice cereal, etc.) to infants or toddlers. If a child is in need of solids foods during their time in the nursery, parents can feel free to come to the nursery at the appropriate time to feed their child. However, while it is not our policy to provide snacks, caregivers may assist with dry finger foods (i.e. Cheerios, etc.) that the parents provide. If you provide dry finger foods, please leave instructions on the Attendance Log. Due to choking risks and potential food allergies snacks will not be shared amongst other children.
Diaper Changing:
Parents are requested to notify the Nursery caregivers as to whether you would like the team to change your child’s diaper or not while in their care. This can easily be done at the time a child is checked into the nursery using the Attendance Log. Sticker labels are also used to place on your child’s diaper so you are informed as to whether their child’s diaper was changed during the service.
Potty Training:
If a child is being potty trained, please be sure to discuss any special instructions or requests with the caregivers. This information should also be written on the Attendance Log. As with diaper changes, there will be one caregiver assisting with the potty break while the other caregiver will be supervising the remaining children. To safe guard all parties during potty times, the bathroom door will be left ajar.
Separation Anxiety:
It is normal for some children to cry when they are initially separated from their parents. During this time, our caregivers will do what they can to alleviate your child’s distress and welcome them to our church. However, some children are particularly sensitive to new situations and we want to help make every child’s church experience a positive one. Therefore, if a child continues to be inconsolable, we will use the paging system to inform parents so they can come to the nursery to comfort their child.
In order to prevent the spread of infection to other children, we ask that children suffering from a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting not be left in the nursery within 24 hours of the last noticeable symptom.
Volunteer Opportunities:
If you are interested in volunteering in our church nursery, please download a copy below of our church’s policies and procedure. This includes nursery requirements, a criminal background check authorization and consent form, along with other help information and forms.