We offer a worship experience designed for children which includes praise and worship music, games, Gospel-focused curriculum, group activities and age-based discussion time. We are committed to keeping Jesus at the center of everything we teach so that the children understand more than just the Biblical stories. Each week the children in our care will learn how all Scripture points to Christ and how they can start living to make Christ the King over their lives.


Each Sunday all of our youngest members and guests are welcomed into our main service starting at 9:30, although nursery services are available for newborns  and toddlers up to three years old. During the 10:50 Christian Education Class time, children between ages four and ten can participate in KIDS AT THE LANDING, geared specifically to their needs and interests. We work to broaden children’s knowledge of the Bible through age-based classes, while continuing to encourage the children to be faithful followers of Christ.

God calls us to reach out to others and we do this through special events during the year.   Some examples of these activities may include:  Vacation Bible School, Easter egg hunts, movie nights, mission projects, musicals and more.  As you can see by these photos, we love bringing children to Jesus in a way they understand and appreciate.